Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ancient Anagyros

Measurements: August 2002

An uknown Pelasgian site

Anagyros or Anagyrous is an ancient deme (municipality) of Attica at the southern suburbs of modern Athens. Today it is called Vari and is located between Voula and Varkiza at the southern end of Mt. Hymettos. The name is probably related to the plant anagyros and is mentioned by Aristophanes in Lysistrata and Pausanias (A' 31.1).

About 20 years ago (1987-1992) I was searching the area and found an interesting Pelasgian settlement on one of the hills. The hill is located across the junction of Leoforos Varis and Kalymnou under a larger hill. (There are six photos in Google-Earth showing the position).

These rooms near the summit of the hill have been carved in the bedrock. They are A (left) and B (right) of the diagram.

The front part of the "throne"
This strange object that looks like a huge sofa in the front is located about ten meters above the rooms (east) and most of it is covered by earth.
The gate is on the summit of the hill about 15m above the "throne". It is also carved in the bedrock but most of it is now broken because of the trees. This is the NE side of it.

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